How To Pass Your Driving Theory Test!

How many of you hate tests hands up? Yes me TOO! I never tested that well in school and was always a more practical person, but there are some tests in life that you just can't avoid and the driving theory is one of them. 

I started the 'driving' journey back when I was 17. I hadn't passed my theory but I wanted to have some lessons so I took around 4 or 5 hours, but my instructor wasn't all that nice and I had no motivation to take my theory. Over the course of 5/6 years, I took my theory test 3 times, and failed. Miserably. But I vowed that this would be the year I would FINALLY learn to drive and get out on the road. I booked my theory test for the 4th time. I passed. Here's how I did it!

Give yourself enough time...

I always thought that the test would be easy, as most people say it is, so I gave myself roughly a month each time to study, but when it got down to it I would only glance at the apps for 10 minutes at a time for two weeks before. 

But when you have a job or university or anything else that takes up 90% of your time, studying for a test is the last thing you'll want to do. I'd suggest leaving yourself 1 month, but actually studying for a whole month. As soon as you book it, plan some time out each day to take a practise test or study some more. You'll have a much higher chance of passing the longer you study for!

Download THESE apps...

One of the first things I did was download apps on my phone. I took to doing practise tests on the bus as this was a time when I basically didn't have anything better to do, and could spend the time with my headphones in concentrating. Sometimes just doing the questions over and over meant that the right answer stuck in my head, learning by doing was my friend here. 

These were the best apps I found and what I used to pass: 

Watch YouTube Videos...

Now I know so many people watch videos for makeup tutorials and other similar things, but I discovered a little hidden key to my success here. I am a very busy person so being able to sit and read a book is not great for me, but watching a video while I do my makeup or cook dinner? Now THAT'S working smart. I found THESE Youtube videos and watched them every single morning doing my makeup, when I cooked dinner, and basically any spare moment I had. 

Doing the practise tests are great but actually listening to someone say it out loud really helped me!

Take a couple of practical lessons...

Now this one is an 'only if you can' I guess, but it really helped me to see how what I was studying, applied on the actual road. You can take lessons before passing your theory so why not have a couple?

It can't hurt to see exactly how what you learn affects the way you drive. Paying attention to signs or markings or speed limits. Just give it a go! I have been having my lessons with RED Driving School, and I would highly recommend.

So there you have it... my top tips for success and the exact things I used to pass. Good luck studying and I hope you don't take as many times as I did! Now you have my hacks you'll be well on your way. Now just to pass that practical test ...... 
