Whiter Than White - Reflecting For 2018

Is it just me or does it feel like January has been going on forever? I found a little meme on Instagram today that said "when did we get to January 74th" and I felt it was very apt to my life right now. Working on my own business makes it even harder to keep the reins on money and make s…

Finding My Second Home - A New Gym

So it's that time of the year again when everyone takes up a gym membership and wants to get in shape for summer. This time I WILL keep up my fitness goals! Now I'm aware I am not a marshmallow, but I am also aware I am no Carly Rowena so it's definitely time to get back into the gym. 


Date Nights In A Box - LOVEDROP

Being in relationships isn't something that comes easy to a lot of people, and I'm one of those people. I managed to have a long 2-year co dependancy a few years back but have never managed to cling to the fantasy of a dreamy relationship. Mostly dating what you would call 'fuckboys'…