The Real VEGAN Greek

One of many fantastic restaurants in the new West Quay South is The Real Greek, tapas and meze food. I went down to this restaurant a while back when they opened, to try out all of the food and I came back a week ago to enjoy their brand NEW Vegan menu! A whole menu dedicated to plant based food. T…

Life Spring Cleaning: My Tips!

As I sit and write this, the weather is fighting itself on being sunny or rainy, or both at the same time. English weather is always unpredictable, but the way it has been with snow and now sun has dishevelled everyone on how we feel about Spring and what month we think it is. Spring is a time when…

Second Base to Home Run

Simply put, a home run is sexual intercourse.
That's exactly it. In all its anticlimax a lot of the time, just intercourse. But when you're with someone you love it's a whole different experience right? Bingo. And it should be treated entirely different. With the utmost respect of what t…

Improve Your Social: I'm Hosting A Workshop!

As some of you may know, I run my own marketing agency that helps small to medium sized businesses improve their presence on social media. In English, I create and post images, blog posts, social posts and newsletters for other peoples social channels! 

I have been to a few events from the Dowhatulo…

Luxury, Delicious and Vegan: The Body Shop

What's that incredible smell?! This is normally the response every time you walk past The Body Shop in West Quay, or The Body Shop anywhere for that matter. They are well known for their classic and fruitful fragrances as well as their extremely high priority ethics on the environment and cruel…